要來跟大家分享一個關於 HTTP Cache 的知識,或許大多數的朋友都已經知道了,主要是分享給還不知道的朋友。
就是大多數的 Browser 及 Proxy/CDN 沒有實作 HTTP POST 的 Cache,也就是說我們用 POST 來查找資料,大多數的 Browser 及 Proxy/CDN 是不會幫我們 Cache 的,每次的 POST 都是穿透回伺服器執行。
即使我們像圖片中加了 Cache-Control,也沒有用的,所以,我們查找資料的 Api 盡量用 HTTP GET,來避免掉一些麻煩。
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過352的網紅Emy Mellisa Mohd Kasim,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Dah lama tak buat sagu Gula Melaka last buat masa sebelum & awal² PKP1.0 last year. Suka tengok sekarang ni kalau nampak gambar sagu lalu lalang dah t...
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ref: https://www.cncf.io/blog/2021/09/03/kubescape-the-first-open-source-tool-for-running-nsa-and-cisa-kubernetes-hardening-tests/
本篇文章是一個專案介紹文,該專案是個名為 Kubescape 的安全性掃描專案,該專案主要是用來檢驗目標 Kubernetes 是否能夠通過 NSA/CISA 等安全性檢查。
National Security Agency(NSA) 以及 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) 最近有發佈一個高達 52 頁的安全性指南,
該指南探討如何設立與強化 Kubernetes 叢集的安全性。
而 Kubescape 專案是一個基於 OPA(OpenPolicyAgent) 引擎的安全性檢查專案,該專案會從 Kubernetes API 取得各類型 Kubernetes 專案的資訊並且針對這些資訊去進行檢查。
檢查是基於上述 NSA/CISA 發布的安全性報告,該檢查的類別包含
1. Non-root containers
2. Immutable container filesystem
3. Building secure container images
4. Privileged containers
5. hostPID, hostIPC privileges
6. hostNetwork access
7. allowedHostPaths field
8. Protecting pod service account tokens
9. Pods in kube-system and kube-public
10. Resource policies
11. Control plane hardening
12. Encrypted secrets
13. Anonymous Requests
api post 在 半路出家軟體工程師在矽谷 Facebook 的最佳貼文
軟體工程師進入科技大公司的的另類通道- 學徒計畫 (2021/09/16 更新)
各大科技公司目前都在前仆後繼地開啟學徒計畫,目的是更廣納各式背景的軟體工程師,希望招攬更多女性、少數民族、或是非傳統 CS 出生的軟體工程師加入。 一般學徒計畫會比初階軟體工程師的面試稍微再簡單一些,有些都還不用實地去公司面試, 被錄取後大概會有為期數個月的帶薪學習/工作,並證明自己能力的機會。 如果表現的好的話,許多人也是可以順利轉為正職軟體工程師, 省下了不容易得到面試機會、或是通不過面試的不確定性。
Plaid: Apprenticeship Engineer - October 2021 (San Francisco) (2021/09/16 更新)
Fintech starup Plaid 產品是讓各種應用程式能容易的連結使用者的銀行帳號,協助開發人員建置金融相關的應用。 之前 Visa 想要用 53 億美金收購, 但最後被司法部擋下, 但從這裡就可以看出公司的前景很好!學徒計畫要找非傳統出生的候選人, 希望至少有 2 年工作經驗、會至少一種語言, 最酷的是申請必須用 post API 來申請!一定程度刷掉不會的人!
DFINITY : Software Engineer Apprentice, SDK (2021/09/16 更新)
非營利科學研究機構的目標是 build the Internet Computer, thereby reinventing the Internet as a computer that hosts secure software with superpowers。 其實我看不太懂他們的產品,但他們現在也有一個學徒計畫, 希望找至少會 JavaScript, Typescript, and Rust 其中一種語言, 並且對區塊鏈有興趣的人。 學徒計畫會在 11月開始, 12 月結束後有機會變正職。
api post 在 Emy Mellisa Mohd Kasim Youtube 的最佳解答
Dah lama tak buat sagu Gula Melaka last buat masa sebelum & awal² PKP1.0 last year. Suka tengok sekarang ni kalau nampak gambar sagu lalu lalang dah takde dah putih-putih, semua jerneh²! ❤️ Kalau letak pewarna orange dah nampak macam ikura! Lagi² kalau yang guna sagu jenis besar sikit tu ☺️ I share cara/tips I buat, sama je tips nye dari dulu, sebab post I pasal sagu ni pernah viral dulu. Banyak page besar yang DM minta izin untuk share gambar #sagugulamelakaemymellisa ☺️ Walaupun masa tu I tak buat proper video, ramai je yang buat menjadi ? Gigih juga I edit caption nak bagi ayat I senang difahami, memang perangai I suka edit caption sebab I risau ayat yang I guna susah orang nak paham, bukan mudah taw ??? Gigih juga I reply DM yang masih tak paham tapi nak buat sampai jadi macam I buat ? Memang sejak duduk sendiri I belajar masak sagu sendiri supaya senang nak buat dessert yang ada sagu sebab memang LOVE SAGU. Awal² dulu, masa belajar buat sagu, memang I pon ada pengalaman sagu hilang di bawa arus ?
Sagu gula melaka:
1. Didihkan air, masukkan sagu
2. Kacaukacaukan supaya bahagian bawah tidak berkerak
3. Boleh tambahkan air sebab air akan surut
4. Bila dah nampak putih² sagu tinggal sikit, matikan api & biarkan sekejap, sambil² cuci² pinggan sikit² tu, lap lap dapo, sagu akan jernih dengan sendirinya, tak perlu tunggu lama pon
5. Tapiskan sagu untuk buang lebihan air, I tak bilas ye
6. Kemudian pindahkan ke dalam bekas yang sesuai
7. Tuangkan air gula melaka
8. Kacaukacaukan supaya sebati
9. Kemudian sejukkan sekejap sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam peti ais
10. Kalau nak makan panas/suam dah boleh makan bersama susu cair/kuah santan kalau nak terasa dikayangan boleh makan dengan whipping cream
11. Selalunya I biarkan sejuk sekejap kemudian simpan dalam peti ais, nanti texture sagu akan kekal sebutir-sebutir
12. Kalau nakkan texture sagu yang lebih keras supaya boleh dipotong dan disalut dengan kelapa parut, boleh kurangkan sukatan air gula melaka okay
13. Kalau texture sebutir-sebutir macam ni boleh dijadikan as drink toppings juga kan!
#sagu #sagugulamelaka #dessert #malaydessert #mahn #masakapahariini #makanapahariini #homecooked #homecooking

api post 在 Emy Mellisa Mohd Kasim Youtube 的最佳解答
Shepherd’s Pie ni for me antara menu yang kalau Mom’s ada anak dara & anak bujang, ajar sekali je mesti diorang pandai buat dah, sama macam aglioeolio jugak ☺️ Menu ni husband yang rajin buat dulu-dulu, sama macam scotch egg, tapi dia dah lama tak buat, reason macam yang I cakap dalam video ni lah ? Lagi satu dia kalau nak masak sangat, kadang tu tak cukop bahan pon dia masak je, jadi kadang-kadang tu I rasa macam cowboy je, bayangkan pernah nak masak scotch egg tapi breadcrumb takde, dia goreng macam tu je ? Sekarang ni kalau dia nak masak apa-apa I akan makesure bahan tu lengkap, sebab kiteorang dah jarang sangat makan dekat luar berbanding dulu, jadi sesekali nak masak yang sedap-sedap la takmo yang cincai-cincai je ☺️ Sebab ramai sangat DM mintak full recipe Shepherd’s Pie, I share full video dekat IGTV ni ye, sebab previous post more to sharing I masak guna apa ? Yang ni details dari buat pie filling sampailah ke mash potato ☺️ Selamat mencuba korang, kalau dah buat nanti share dengan I okay, macam selalu ni inspired from some recipe yang I selalu watch on tv. I ni dekat rumah suka tengok cooking program kalau bukak astro, tapi dah lama jugak tak tengok tv ?
The Filling
1. Olive Oil
2. Minced Mutton 250-300g
3. 1 Large ?
4. 1 Large ?
5. Fresh Rosemary
6. Fresh Thyme
7. Grated ?
8. Salt&Pepper
9. ? Puree
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
The Mash ?
1. Russet ?
2. Fresh milk ( Boleh letak heavy cream kalau ada )
3. Butter
4. Salt&Pepper
5. ?Yolks
6. Grated Parmesan Cheese
Cara masak sama macam dalam video ✌?Masa husband makan dia cakap SEDAP cume komen dia, kalau Shepherd’s Pie ni, layer untuk The Mash kena lebih nipis dari layer The Filling sebab main dish tu the filling, the mash tu side je. I cakap I tahu tapi UNSANGKARABLE 4biji ? boleh dapat banyak sangat, dah alang-alang tu I perhabiskan sebab kalau simpan nak buat apa kan ? Oh ya! Kalau korang buat nanti masa baked tu guna api bahagian atas je sebab kalau guna api atas bawah nanti filling dia jadi dry, lagipon filling dia kita dah masak kan ❤️ #mahn #masakapahariini #makanapahariini #homecook #homecooking #shepherdspie #lunch #dinner #kacaukacaukan #tarabyemymellisa CS: Endless ❤️ DRLR

api post 在 Kayczar Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
Audio for "Observe" performed by Kayczar
Written by : Kayczar
Produced by : Kayczar
Operasi Records
I seen a lot, I seen a lot,
I seen some brothers who’s scraping a pot,
I seen some bitches go down for the spot,
I seen some fathers who work on the block,
I seen some mothers with 22 jobs,
I seen some money, but never seen knots,
I seen some hunnids get blown on some rocks,
I seen a lot man, I seen a lot man,
I seen a lot
[Verse 1]
I seen the bottom of bottoms,
I've seen whole families at temples for lottos,
I've seen the blood on the car post a postal that happened outside when they sound and asleep next to the lushest of grottos,
Who's looking out for us?
The nation been spiraling, numbers been down and they drippin all over chanel?
My heart has been hurtin’, can you tell?
I mask the pain in a bottle,
I tell these stories that's makin 'em laugh so they don't see the clouds that I follow,
Times gettin darker,
I want the family to eat so I sleep when I can not when I want to,
Bila lagu aku laku,
My people gon ball till the heavens,
Been living in hell for so long that I cannot be saved,
Not even the sharpest of reverends,
I revel in pressure and my eyes are set on a goal and there’s no turning back I need reparations,
So I’m blowin’ detonation everytime I do a beat or verse,
I used to wanna give up but now gon’ have to put me in a hearse,
Ya heard, cause
I seen a lot, I seen a lot,
I seen some brothers who’s scraping a pot,
I seen some bitches go down for the spot,
I seen some fathers who work on the block,
I seen some mothers with 22 jobs,
I seen some money, but never seen knots,
I seen some hunnids get blown on some rocks,
I seen a lot man, I seen a lot man,
I seen a lot
[Verse 2]
Know your worth homie,
Don’t fuck with these cronies,
Don’t test how I move,
Semuanya ku dah lihat,
Aku ni takut nak kalah,
Cam mana aku nak rehat?
Aku nak tengok ayah bawak tesla,
Duit bertingkat,
Semua adikku bawak tester,
Cuma tunggu ujian,
And you know that I run it cause I seen some nights without no food,
I been through hell like I told you,
Tapi api neraka pun tak sepanas hustleku for my family I’ll fold you,
Make you old news,
Yeah your whole crew,
You got it?
I'll take it, can’t hold you,
Hidup ni satu ticket there’s no two,
You better grab what you want ‘fore it’s over for ya,
Can I live for a second? That’s Hova for ya,
Might end up pushing that contraband,
My brother keep drums like they got a band,
I’m trying to make em see light ‘fore they end up inside of a cell like so many men,
But they see red on a daily,
Tell me they gotta stay strapped cause
A day in their life’s like a lifetime of crazy
My thoughts are startin to hazy
[Verse 3]
Abang long sudah bilang,
Kiblat drill arah JB,
Mana korang semua hilang?
Kata kau ballin cam CP3?
Mana hustle kau sekarang?
Mana kawan kau yang industry?
Aku surrounded by the real ones,
Semua takkan terlipat under pressure,
See the gold on my necklace,
Amma blessed me,
I got the Sulam behind me,
Y'all know this energy crazy,
Step in my home man these demons can't test me,
Most of these haters ain't met me,
They why they got all these assumptions,
Memang tak function,
Real Gs move in silence,
That's why you ain't seen all my homies,
Stop askin round about who all gon know me,
All of your boys on the level below me,
All of my people gon eat man that's on me,
I ain't got it but at least I'm not phony,
Wearin those fake jewels like you own it,
You're not my opponent,
You ain't never been on it to me,
I'll take your career and I'll roll it up,
You ain't got integrity, clout it up,
I'll take my path I swear that's enough,
My brother done taught me man fuck your love,
Do what I want I don't fuck with you standards,
Who set the rules man they should be abondoned,
Ku tak pernah silap langkah,
I am the one man sila pangkah,
81100 the realest, fakta

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What is an HTTP POST API ? REST API Series, POST method, response codes, errors, best practices & more. sudoCODE. sudoCODE. 86.2K subscribers. ... <看更多>
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I can not find any site that is free for POST API calls, and that it have up to date documentation with the API explanations. ... <看更多>
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要求範例. curl -i -X POST "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/feed ?message=Hello Fans! ... <看更多>